Monday, November 17, 2008

Reason #186 Why I Am A Bad Mother

This morning, I remembered that all of Kristen's pants were downstairs in the dryer. So I sat her on the bed with her brush, and ran downstairs while she absentmindedly brushing through her hair, saying, "Awwww. Piiiiiity."
By the time I ran down two flights of stairs, grabbed a pair out of the dryer, and ran back up two flights of stairs, she had found the bottle of lube we keep at the top of the headboard, unscrewed it, dumped it all over herself and the whole bed, and refilled it with dead batteries Jason had on his side of the headboard.

I am not sure which part disturbs me about myself more:
1- We left the lube where she could get it
2- We left batteries where she could get them
3- At the age of one and a half, my daughter just naturally assumes that lube and batteries go together like ramma lamma lamma ka dinga da dinga dong.

That part is making me giggle, becoming Reason #187 - Women who are actually 12 year old boys should NOT be mothers.

1 comment:

Angela Chen Shui, "The Soul Alignment Coach" said...

aww shucks - Kristen is fine! You have to be a great Mom with toddler and so many animal companions who look so happy together! ;-)

Thanks for the chuckle!