Monday, January 7, 2008

I'm feeling much better now

Except for this image I now have stuck in my head.

I'm getting around much better, although I can't go very fast, so I just shuffle along slowly while pumping my arms as if I am running in slo-mo.

Jason tells me I was carrying on about the ceiling moving after they slipped me the mickey. I think he's lying.

Saturday, January 5, 2008

My Sister Taught Herself How To Do Everything With Her Feet

She did this because she's afraid she'll someday lose her hands and she wants to be prepared.

I used to think "silly, paranoid, hypochondriac fool", but now that there is a HOLE IN MY ASS and I can't bend, I think "Brilliant!".

She also has to count her fingers and toes every night before bed to make sure she still has ten of each, but even through my drug-induced haze I ain't that crazy. But I've come a little closer to understanding her.