Saturday, January 5, 2008

My Sister Taught Herself How To Do Everything With Her Feet

She did this because she's afraid she'll someday lose her hands and she wants to be prepared.

I used to think "silly, paranoid, hypochondriac fool", but now that there is a HOLE IN MY ASS and I can't bend, I think "Brilliant!".

She also has to count her fingers and toes every night before bed to make sure she still has ten of each, but even through my drug-induced haze I ain't that crazy. But I've come a little closer to understanding her.


Unknown said...

I'm glad Pete is gone.
Painkillers are your friend.

You dont need your toes. Use that handy tool you have... his name is Jason.

My tool was a Leon. Great contraption. Useful too

Save_The_Hobbit said...

See? My paranoid ways do have their merits.