Sunday, June 1, 2008

My Life In 30 Years

Jason and I are always saying that we see a lot of similarities between our marriage and Jason's parents' marriage. While we were at their house today (we alternate Sundays with each set of parents), I witnessed this.
Jason's mom knocked over a glass of ice water. Kristen was at her feet and stood there in shock. She began fussing at Jason's dad. Kristen bent over, picked up an ice cube, and shoved it in her mouth. Jason's mom took it from her. Kristen howled in anger, bent over, and picked up another and shoved it in her mouth. Jason's mom began cleaning up the mess while fussing at Jason's dad for leaving it out. Jason's dad made comments about her dirt in his hole. I don't understand. Kristen began slipping and falling on the floor (I picked her up and started feeding her pretzels). Jason's mom and dad continued to make fun of each other.
We sat back down at the table, while they carried on. Jason's dad said, "What do you call a K-L-U-T-Z?"
Jason's mom said, "I don't know, but she's married to an A-S-S-H-O-L-E."

And Jason and I looked at each other and laughed. It's like looking into a crystal ball.


Another Day said...

Well? Which movie did you end up seeing?

Stacy said...

Um...none. We got distracted after dinner.