Saturday, June 21, 2008

I am about to kill pretty lady...and her retard stable boy.

Disclaimer: This was my first viewing of anything Get Smart. So I don't know what has been taken from the original and what is new. So when I lament about a stupid plot may not be their fault. I will attempt to make this spoiler-free, as this movie is actually worth seeing on it's own, unlike That Other Movie.

I will start with the trailers.
Hellboy II - Hella lame.
The Dark Knight - So very excited. Sho very excited. Poor dead Heath. Man, did Heath Ledger have a thing for the Gyllenhaals or what? Not that you can blame him. Mmm...I'd totally be into a Heath/Jake/Maggie sandwich...oh shutup, brain!
Wow, the movie is starting? Only two trailers?

Overall? I laughed. Not quite as much as I had hoped to, but it was decently funny. There's a subplot with this really lame "Bad guys are people too...they hurt just like we do" feeling that plays out into an even lamer scene. The Max/Agent 99 'chemistry' felt really forced at first. Can you REALLY do that while skydiving? That makes me want to try it more. I don't like much that The Rock has done, but I loved him in this. I thought he played his part perfectly.
MAX LISTENED TO ABBA!!! My favorite dance around like a drunken prat song of all time is Does Your Mother Know, thanks to Johnny English. So I liked that part.
The twists are very predictable, and I never try to figure out twists. I just sit back and enjoy the ride. And I knew every 'twist'. Gorgeous Russian scenery.
There are some very sly pot shots at Bush that Jason and I enjoyed. The big finale chase scene was, as often happens, way overdone and unrealistic. But I liked the ending.

Three stars!


Another Day said...

But have you seen The Strangers yet?

Stacy said...

I can't do it! Don't you remember the incident when I was in my shower and saw someone standing outside the door? And I started hysterically screaming and crying and (for reasons still unknown) beating on the shower glass? And then I got brave and grabbed a shampoo bottle and threw open the door and it was the window curtain all along?