Monday, May 19, 2008


I was bopping around with Kristen when the doorbell rang. I went to go get it (pushing dogs and cats back).

It was an acquaintance who had stopped to drop something off. She looked nervous and said, "You know, I SWEAR I hear a cat!" I heard a mad yowling. I looked under the stroller and there was poor spazzy Ghost, who must have snuck out when I was out getting mail. He was hiding under the stroller, drooling, eyes glowing, and screaming at her.

As usual, the SHUTUPSHUTUP portion of my brain was not working, and I said, "Oh, we thought it'd be best to keep him outside until the rabies test comes back!"

She almost fell off the porch. I sighed and said, "Get your spastic butt in this house" and he went shooting across her feet and into the house, where he promptly got scooped up by Caden, who went tearing through the house with Ghost in his mouth (don't worry, the cats like it). Kristen screamed, "MOOOOOOMMMMMmamamamamaohhhhhkay!"

Sharpie a beard on me, give me a cane, and call me Noah.

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