Tuesday, July 22, 2008


My keyboard is dying. Sometimes, every time I open up a window with any sort of text box or bar in it, the letter xxxxx just keeps typing itself until I manage to get the window shut. Other times, the keys just won't work at all. I have discovered unplugging, plugging, and a bunch of violence will temporarily work. But fear not! I am getting a brand spankin new laptop within the week (it has a TOUCH SCREEN and a DRAWING PAD and probably the missing link as well), so things will be back to normal. In the meantime -
1. I will be posting an actual review of The Dark Knight. I just was too wiggly with joy to do it properly.
2. Thatcoolbroad - what I was trying to say was, "Are you kidding me? I've been having Batman fantasies (both masked and of Bruce Wayne) ever since!" And he won't quit making my crotch twitch.
3. AnotherDay - I will be posting fair and Krissy pictures as well.
4. I shall also be discussing Katherine Hiegl and how the stick up her ass must really make it hurt to sit down.
5. I shall probably also discuss how Jason reading the words "Katherine Heigl" and "up her ass" probably just earned him a Bruce Wayne AND Batman-worthy crotch twitch.
6. Adrienne - squealing "It's Like Playing Charades!" while I am painstakingly searching out, copying, and pasting every.single.letter as I try to IM with you is not being a supportive friend, or as I said last night, "u h o".
7. And so on and so forth such as for our children's future.


Stacy said...


Art Nerd said...

you are a mess! i love it!

Stacy said...

yess but amorganizedmess!

Anonymous said...

Good...I thought you'd been abducted by some crazed sex fiend and you were trying to send an SOS by leaving a long line of Xs on my blog!

I should probably call the cops back now and tell them it was a false alarm.
