Friday, January 30, 2009

The Pissy Kissy dance

The following is a video of my daughter when she has a bad day. Nothing wrong in particular, just gassy. Prior to this, she had screamed through an hour nap, came downstairs and screamed for EAT???, screamed all through lunch without touching anything, and then promptly began screaming for NIGH NIGHHHHHHT???
File this under: Why Stacy's Done Having Kids


sarasarasara said...


i couldn't get past 22 seconds because it just broke my heart.

Nicole said...

ok so i know this is TOTALLY NOT FUNNY, but when she just randomly starts flailing around...i can't help but laugh. I'm a heartless bastard. i know. I'm sorry.

Unknown said...

Awwwwwww poor baby give her a hug from me