1. I took the music down
2. I put my IM info up (in profile)
3. I have narrowed in on my location further
4. Further or farther? I never know and the spell check is no help.
Monday, September 29, 2008
Oh, and some things
I have very politely kept my fingers shut tight during the whole political process. Very...very...tight. But no more. I open my brain. Ignore that smell coming out.
I have been watching everything, both Democrat and Republican, very intently. My main focus has been on Sarah Palin. I am very, very, frightened. I am, indeed, happy that an everyday mom has built her career up so that she is in this position. But please, NOT this one.
First of all - it is an insult to Palin to be nominated. She was McCain's attempt at being dramatic, him trying to prove himself as a mover and a shaker, and most of all a MAVERICK (because he's a MAVERICK in case you haven't heard, and did you know he was also a PRISONER OF WAR?). She is completely inept and inexperienced, and it is very obvious that she is on the ticket simply because she has a uterus.
Second of all - Any woman considering voting for her because she is a woman needs to stop being so sexist and really take a look at her. She is NOT going to help your feminist views in any way. And shut up with the fake drama, those of you on my side. I don't CARE that she can't control her daughter's reproductive system. I care that she wants to control mine. I don't CARE that she may or may not have flirted with a coworker. I care that she is against gay marriage. Can we please talk about actual important things?
I feel like McCain is going to step up at some point and say, "I can't believe you rtards FELL for this crap!!" and point at us and laugh. And we will go cry in a sad corner. OH MY GOD HE'S ON MY TV SAYING WARSHINGTON AGAIN IWILLKILLTHESCREENWITHASTILLETO. But carrying on. Let's look at the irony of everything.
1 - McCain blasts Obama for having a campaign focused on change. Suddenly has campaign focused on change.
2 - Obama then develops a "John McCain - more of the same" slogan (a rhyme which made me giggle every time). McCain develops a "More Of The Same" slogan.
2b - How is it that McCain slams Obama for having no experience, and at the same time, portrays Obama as being the main villain behind the way Washington has been being run?
3 - Yeah. That whole 'no experience' thing. And the Republicans' comeback for this is, but she has executive experience, and Obama has NONE! NONE! McCain has none, either.
3b - One of Jason's coworkers, who is a staunch Republican, has stated that she will have PLENTY of experience because she is being prepped and crammed for it right now. So 143 days on the Congress floor is a BAD BAD THING, but a 60-day crash course in the Big Wide Earth makes one qualified.
4 - They actually, seriously, expected us to be happy with her foreign policy experience because Russia and Alaska are like THIS CLOSE. That wasn't even the SNL doing, that was SERIOUS.
5 - No, honestly, they MEANT THAT.
6 - "I told Congress, "Thanks but no thanks on that Bridge To Nowhere. I told them if we wanted a bridge, we'd build it ourselves." Jesus CHRIST. Even AFTER it came out that she had originally pushed for the bridge, only rejected it when her constituents came out as against it, and kept the 400 million anyway, she continued to say this line. Word for word. That, along with the line about her husband being a champion snow machine racer, and the horrid pit bull joke, make me cringe. GET SOME EFFING NEW MATERIAL. ESPECIALLY after the truth has come out, repeating these things makes you look so assy!
7 - Palin blasted Clinton during the primaries for complaining about sexism. This is all I feel needs to be said.
8 - McCain told us, in the typical Bush way, that the fundamentals of the economy were strong and not to worry. A week later it was such a catastrophe that he had to immediately forgo his campaign to concentrate on single-handedly fixing it. Because he's a MAVERICK. It's what he DOES.
I couldn't decide which comparison I liked better...so I'll post them both.
Sarah Palin and Miss Teen USA South Carolina
Sarah Palin and Billy Madison
Sunday, September 28, 2008
Movie Review: Nights In Rodanthe (spoiler free)
3 out of 5 stars
YES I ADMIT IT!! I am a big Nicholas Sparks fan. Yes, he is sappy and overemotional and fluffy and manipulates your heart, but damn it I love a good sappy cry (ex 1 - I finally read The Memory Keeper's Daughter last night. Jason walked past me for at least an hour and I was bawling every time. Then I picked Kristen up and howled into her). So when I heard that my second favorite book of his was being made into a movie, I made Jason take me to opening night. He was NOT thrilled about sitting through a sappy chick flick, but did as he was told. *whip cracking*
Previews: I don't know, we walked in just as the trailer for Bolt was finishing and the movie was beginning. Hamster still cracks my shit up. Marley and Me is coming out in December. Since Jason and I, as well as both sets of parents, are retriever families, our lips started wobbling at the idea of it.
I was pretty disappointed with it at first. I hate when movie makers change details from the books for no apparent reason at all (ask anyone who has been at a midnight Harry Potter premiere with me). In the book, Adrienne has two sons and a daughter. In the movie, she only has Danny and Amanda. Her father has passed in the movie, although in the book he is living in a nursing home. The Jill Torrelson story line was nowhere near as detailed and heart wrenching as it played out in the book. And speaking of that, the movie on the whole was nowhere near as serious and heart wrenching as the book. They tried too hard to make it light hearted, and I think that was a disservice to the plot. And they added so many cheesy, hokey things - there is no spirit god room in the book, no corny wild ponies, and in the book they actually boarded up the house BEFORE the hurricane hits, and there is no damage (NOT THAT THEY NOTICE).
The book begins with Amanda all grown up with two sons, and a recent widow, as her husband has just died of testicular cancer. Adrienne, now about sixty, sits Amanda down and retells the story. The movie takes place in the present, as the story unfolds, which I think is one of the main reasons the overall tone was different. It got better as it went on, although they left out far too much of Paul's background story. The timing was all messed up. The bathtub scene had been deleted (Jason was v. disappointed, I promised him boobies).
I did not cry, but I knew what was coming. I heard a lot of gasps and sniffles around the theater, and I heard a lot of people who loved it as we were walking out. It was all right, but I really wish it had been handled the way the book was written. Jason liked it more than he had expected to. The scenery was fantastic, although the Inn looked really different than I expected it to, and that was jarring. My family and I used to take beach vacations to the Carolinas every year, and it is my favorite place, it really make me miss it. And there was a line about Hurricane Bertha, which made me giggle because we were down there for that and got evacuated.
Now, the day I hear that The Rescue is coming out, I will burst into spontaneous tears right there. They have to do it. He named the main character Denise after the producer of Message In A Bottle and The Notebook, and I noticed Denise Di Novi did this one too. So she HAS to do her namesake, right??
And wow. The girl who plays Amanda looks EXACTLY like Shana.
Wednesday, September 24, 2008
Just don't ask how many times she jammed the paper shredder
I have a temp job as an administrative wench, being split between a marketing and quality department. There is a possibility of being hired, which I am very excited about, and am trying my hardest to prove myself indispensable. They will, at least, recognize that I am good for entertainment value.
Shortly after 7 am, my boss walked into the room where I was scan archiving and began speaking to me. In German. I gave him my best, "Sir, I have been awake since 5 AM. See that pot of coffee? Hey - look at that. I made coffee. For all of you. Please keep me and put my ass through MBA school. But anyway. That coffee? Noyt done yet. And you are speaking to me in a foreign language" look.
By the way - that is a LOT of things to convey in a single look for someone awake since 5 AM but no coffee. But I did it.
He said, "Come on, you went to *** high school! They teach you German there!"
"Yes, but I didn't take it," I said.
Man started talking at me in Spanish.
Now, I did take four years of Spanish, including Spanish AP, and know enough to be able to survive in a Spanish speaking country if the people are nice and speak slowly and simply. But, again, this was 6:50 in the morning and I had no coffee. Wanting to appear well-rounded, educated, and impressive, however, I panicked and yelled, "ME GUSTA TE OMBLIGO!!!"
He stared at me.
I stared back.
He cracked up and walked away.
For those puzzled - yes, that does indeed mean, "I like your belly button."
I hate my life.
Tuesday, September 16, 2008
Sunday, September 14, 2008
I will never, NEVER, move to California.
What 289K will buy you in my area:This 4 bedroom, 3 bathroom, 3,000 sq. foot home includes fireplaces, hot tubs, cathedral ceilings, a deck, thermal windows, and is in a lovely private setting.
What 287K will buy you in Pacifica, CA:
1 bedroom, 1 bathroom, 60 year old THIS (seen on It's Lovely, I'll Take It!)
Oh, come on, Stacy! It's California, real estate is much
Monday, September 8, 2008
A fairly accurate picture of my usual life
I say 'fairly' because you have to look at this and then add in a sheepdog (who was sleeping on the floor) and two more cats (I'm not sure where they were, usually the four come flying over when anyone sits...perhaps they are under the dog?), and a toddler (who was sleeping, the only reason anyone could hold still long enough to take a picture).
Oh, and look...I'm SMILING!! It's coming along. Thank you all for the kind comments, IMs, and other messages. They truly perked me up when I read them.
Wednesday, September 3, 2008
Haven't felt like being humorous
I am in the middle of a very deep depression and I am having a really hard time. I will be back to make you laugh at some point.